Sunday, November 20, 2022

Ain't that a Shame...

 When she came home from her hike, 

She opened her phone and began to type in RC Blakes into youtube. 

RC Blakes was a pastor from New Orleans who preached a great deal about

Kings and Queens in the eyes of God. 

And how Kingdoms were constructed with the natural 

laws that God had ordained in all his Creation.

Today, the topic that popped up for her was one that she 

really needed to hear!!

 But she knew deep inside, that every time she really needed 

guidance, the right messages always found a way to reach her. 

She just had to ask and then be open to receive. 

Today's message spoke quite loud to her. 

It mentioned that a Queen never went back to or 

even gave time to a boy who shamed her.


Because a real man that loved and respected his woman

would never talk down, belittle, or disrespect his Queen 

like that. 

And when she heard RC Blakes speak those words, 

she knew immediately that her guardian angels were

sending her the message! 

And she was done questioning truths. 

She saw the truth right in front of her own eyes and this time

she took it and believed it with her whole heart. 

And she asked God to help her Purge from her heart and soul

the dishonor that she had done to herself and to forgive her 

for all that she had allowed to be done to her.

Then she asked God to take her off the hook through forgiveness..

And with that... 

She was free. 

Once and for all. 

The End... 

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