Tuesday, October 18, 2022

The Soul on Fire in Heaven

 She woke up the next morning and the first thing that popped into her mind was,

The beer she drank 2 hours before going to bed. 

She didn't even catch on to it running through her mind 

until she was washing her hands after going to the bathroom. 

As she looked in the mirror, she saw a disappointed face 

looking back at her. Her mind kept repeating,

Shouldn't have drank last night. 

And as she turned from the mirror, something clicked in her... 

Why was she abusing herself with such negative thinking? 

Where did this come from?

And that's when she lit up inside... 

A spark went off and a positive energy rose up in her. 

She took a self evaluation.. 

She felt fine. 

She slept fine.

She even woke up at a fine hour. 

And she was feeling really good about getting her coffee

and then doing her morning meditation and study with RC Blakes. 

So where was this negative criticism about having a beer come from?

It surely was not what she truly felt and thought. 

So she knew it was words she had heard from others before. 

And she realized that before doing her Queenology work, 

she used to fall prey easily to these types of negative word spells 

because she did not have her identity intact. 

She did not know herself through the eyes of God. 

She did not know her worth was in God and not in the acceptance or approval of others.

But now that she did know all this... 

She realized that these words in her head were not her own. 

And so she cast them out


 just like that!

 She knew who she was. 

She knew how she wanted to live and what was good and right for her.

She felt great! She was healthy, She was in great shape. 

There was no need for her to abuse herself with these critical thoughts.

And so she stopped them right then and there and she thanked God 

for this awakening!

Later that morning as she was doing her studies, 

she had another breakthrough!.

God was really doing miracles within her!

Her soul was so lit up, she thought she was going to burst into flames!

Clearly, her candle never burn-eth out!

She learned that morning that the reason those negative thoughts

were always with her, even when she wasn't doing anything wrong, 

was because she had unconsciously accepted a false belief as her own.  

When RC Blakes spoke of the Signs of a Sick soul, during her morning studies, 

the first sign broke the mold for her!

It went something like this;

Your soul is sick when you decide to move away from the known will

of God. 

And at first, she had to pause the video and really ponder what those words 

resonated in her. 

And there it was! 

Her breakthrough!

Being born into dependency on Mom and Dad is the reason we are born Sinners!

It is a sin to be dependent on anyone other than God. 

This is why the bible states to Honor thy mother and father, but it does not say

to make them and their ways as God's Truth, which is Love.

 When you are old enough to be 


 it means going back to the true creator of you. And that is the God that 

 gave you a soul and a spirit! 

RC Blakes also went on to explain the Soul and Spirit in a very clear way.

He said;

The Soul is

 the Mind,(the way we think)

 the Will,(the way we choose)


 the Emotions,(the way we feel)

The Spirit is

the part of you that is Divine.

the part of you that comes from God.

the part that God communicates with you.

The Soul is where choices and decisions are facilitated. 

The body is where the soul and spirit reside.

A soul-tie happens in the season when the soul is out of balance with the Spirit. 

and when the soul is sick, the individual's life is poisoned!

And so when she began to really allow all this to open up inside her, she realized

that the reason she had these negative thoughts buried deep within her as truths, 

was in fact because when she was a little girl, she was taught through her dependency

that mom and dad were the ultimate approval sources of her life and existence.

That their ways of living and being was the only way to really be. 

But this was a false and limiting belief that she had unconsciously accepted.

Until now. 

She felt such a huge cloud clearing from her view once she accepted her real 


That God never left her! 

And that she just never got to know him 

because she had thought that he was in the approval of others and the world. 

And so she thanked God for this revelation that opened up in her.

And she continued her day with more vibrant energy then she ever felt possible!

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