Thursday, October 20, 2022

Can You Identify?

 There was a really huge deal happening out there in the universe

 and she knew it was time to get to work. 

She had a lot to do before this Scorpio New Moon Solar Eclipse!

She knew Scorpio represented a lot of deep dark intimate aspects, events,

and opportunities!

However, she also knew that it meant that she had to be internally prepped

and prepared!

In order to be able to go through something as huge as a Scorpio transit, one had to be all cleared of cobwebs and skeletons!

She looked back in her mind... That one park visit with all the cobwebs... 

Yes... she remembered that hike all too well. 

It was the scariest hike she had ever been through!

Cobwebs were everywhere!

It was like a  haunted house, only in the great out doors!

She remembered how afraid she was, but also how many fears she was welcoming as they came up all along the journey. 

And now she had to continue the work before the arrival of the ultimate transformation day.

The rest of the work consisted of her 


Releasing who she thought she was.


Surrendering the control she tried so hard to have over her life.

and then 


Uniting with the Unknown!

She wasn't scared though. 

That word unknown had become a comfort to her a long time ago. 

Death was scary.. 

Death was known! 

But to her, the unknown 

was full of potential... 

and limitless possibilities!

And she was actually quite excited to finish her work. 

Clearing her shadows, fears, and demons, started off as hard, but only because she 

was resistant and looking at it as a loss. 

A loss of self. of knowledge... of experience... 

But as she allowed herself to go through the process, she realized that it was none of that. 

Instead it was an unraveling of all the things that she was never really supposed to 


The more she carried the harder it was for her to walk and live this thing called life. 

She couldn't flow. 

And that's why even now... 

She realized that she was still carrying one more thing!

One more fear!

And that fear was connected to the one thing that wounded her as a child.

And this wound rested in her identity. 

However, as she stands here today, 

she realized and accepted once and for all

that the identity that she was trying so hard to grasp onto 

and push herself to walk the line, 

really wasn't hers. 

It was an illusion that she was trying to bring to life over and over again. 

But she couldn't. 

Because it's not hers. 

It's someone else's ideas!

She had been this high strung horse for 44 years now... 

With Zero feelings, Zero Emotions. 

All because she cared not one bit for herself. 

For who she really was. 

Instead she lived for the false ideas, that she had made her own, 

out of fear...

Fear of not being loved, valued, or protected by others.

Yet what she failed to recognize at the time, because she was too young to understand, 

was that it was never up to other people to

 Love her, Value her, and Protect her. 

She already had it in her. 

God Loved, valued and always protected her 

from the inside out! 

And so now...  she was ready... 

Ready to open, unite, and receive, the Great Unknown...

The Truth of who she truly was. 



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