Saturday, October 22, 2022

The Greatest Poison...

 As she was learning more about her Queen-ology this morning,

a revelation came to her mind. 

RC Blakes had read a bible verse that spoke the words,

"Do not be unequally yoked."

As soon as she heard the words, a vision popped up

in the front of her mind.

A Movie..

The man in the Iron Mask.

As she was going through the story in her mind...

Trying to figure out what relevance it had to being unequally yoked..

 She remembered first, that in the beginning of the movie they showed

the fact that Paris was going to Hell with their new King Louis. 

But as she went deeper into the movie, she uncovered something hidden. 

A secret that totally changed the course of their King's reign.

The Queen mother, had fallen for one of the Knights of the castle. 

Now of course, this wasn't just any knight... 

This was the Head of the Three Musketeers!

So she at least chose the most suitable knight to fornicate with.

However, the truth still remained... 

He was just a Knight. 

He was not equal in rank to the Queen. 

A Queen needed a King to produce strong honest heirs. 


Because the Ambition and Vision are very different 

for a knight and a King. 

The Knight can not be King and protect both 

the castle and his Wife. 

He would have to abdicate his throne.


 There it was... 

The Pain of having to keep a secret... 

The Poison of having to conceal a lie within them.

And from that deception came the consequences of their own self deceit.

The twins.
The split in the flow of life. 
One of the brothers was of God... 
Wanting Love.
The other brother was of Fear...
wanting Power thru Lies.

And she realized that her own life had been no different. 
She was always falling for knights. 
Men who protected her, but then fought with her all because 
every time she tried to awaken to her truth as Queen, they wanted to 
keep her with them at their level.

But what she was also beginning to realize now as she was
able to truly awaken, 
Is that these knights didn't belong to her castle.
They weren't even musketeers! 
They were just trying to use her for her gift of 
Unconditional Love. 
Well that and her money and car and bed. 
You name it, they were all up in it. 
Her time, her energy... 
All of it was just going down a drain. 
Until she finally woke up. 

And now, she was awake and ready..
 Ready to walk to her Throne

 Own it! 

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