Monday, October 17, 2022

Don't Mind Me?

 She knew she was not flowing in the life 

that she was currently trying to make herself live. 

Yet, she pushed herself every day to go thru the same cycles. 

Like a merry go round. 

It's always fun at first until the motion 

becomes too much within 

and you get that nauseous feeling inside.

And she knew, finally, since she had begun her spiritual journey,

that nausea was indeed a rejection of the flow of life.

And so if her being on this round and round spin in her own life was making her sick...

she knew somewhere she had gone against the flow in her life. 

So she asked the holy spirit for help. 

RC Blakes was brought to her awareness almost instantly!

RC Blakes is a pastor that spoke of God and the bible

 in a way that she was actually able to understand. 

She had gone to numerous churches in her life and met many pastors

and religious clergy but none that ever seemed to make any sense to her.

But she couldn't find RC Blakes until she was true and honest to her own self.

To her own heart and soul. 

She was spiritual.

As much as people wanted to tell her that spirituality was all 


 she couldn't understand why she didn't see it that way.

Until now. 

But it took years... 

Her journey began almost 13 years ago!

But here she was still striving. 

Still trying and still learning. 

Today she learned all about her mind set. 

She learned that she had been dwelling for the longest time bouncing

between two different types of mind sets... 

And both of them didn't produce anything but that merry go round effect

that she was so familiar with now and so sick of...

She wanted a change. 

She was ready for a change.

And she was ready to take any and all actions necessary to get there.

So... the first thing she learned was that she needed to acknowledge the two 

limited mind sets that she had been hopping between. 

The first mindset was where she was focused on the DEAD PAST. 

This is where she was always thinking about her past traumas

and was always looking for ways to avoid reliving past hurts and pains.

This was also where she was stuck thinking about back when 

things used to be better or working out for her... Her regrets. 

But what she didn't realize, until now..

 that this mind set of the DEAD PAST put her in a state 

where she was simply enduring a miserable existence but yet not fully living. 

So she made a New Pact with her higher self, taken from a quote from RC Blakes, 

 that she was going to

 "Divorce her History in order to make a date with Destiny!"

Then as she continued to listen to her favorite Pastor, and she learned that 

the second mindset that she was seriously stuck dwelling in was indeed

the mindset of living in the PRESENT MOMENT.

This made her a survivalist! 

And that made perfect sense to her...

Especially since she came from a past life of being a

Highly esteemed Independent survivor!

But her mission in this life was definitely not in running on

impulsive survival warrior mode.

Yet, this is exactly who she had become so far... 

So here she was... 

Ready and willing to get off of this merry go round of a life... 

She was ready to learn and activate the Third way of life.

The Queen conscious mind set way. 

This is where she was going to take the time and effort to truly understand 

who she was. 


This is where she was going to do the work of finding her true self.

Who God had created her to be. 

She was going to do the work to find and feel 

her true worth in God her creator.

She was ready to chart her course based on her creator's instruction

relative to her true future. 

And it all began with changing her Mind Set! 


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