Thursday, October 13, 2022

You got to Feel it to Evolve it...

She was feeling the pressure. 

But she wasn't sure where it was coming from...

Was it the pressure of a move?

Was it the pressure of a new job in the making?

Or was it just the pressure of a fart...

Just kidding. 

But seriously though, she was on edge lately. 

Not so much like jumping around, bouncing from thing to thing..

But more of a mental edge...

Like there was a decision to be had and she just wasn't having it. 

But that perhaps she was supposed to. 

So she took a deep breath in and let it out slowly...

She tried to re-center herself so she could be there in that now moment. 

She began to examine herself.

The pressure she was feeling needed to be welcomed... 

There was no need to not be acquainted with it. 

There was no need to ignore it. 

So she acknowledged it. 

And she brought it to God by welcoming it with open arms. 

She sat there with God and talked it through. 

Why did she feel on edge?

She told God that being centered in her femininity was too 

easy for her...

 But then God corrected her...and said, 

If it was easy, she wouldn't feel pressured and on edge. 

And she agreed and then it lit up in her...

The real reason!

She was on edge thinking she needed to do something because 

being in this feminine energy was something new for her.

She wasn't used to this fresh new feeling of not having to always 

be pushing herself to do something.

She was not used to just enjoying sitting back and being 

relaxed and happy.

And so this new feeling was bringing up the compulsion

that she needed to be doing something in 

order to feel accomplished. 

So she welcomed it. 

She welcomed her compulsion.

And then she felt it lift and go. 

And as she sat there, she realized just how good it really did feel

to just 'be' for once. To really just sit into nothingness. 


It was peace... 

It was calm...

It was contentment. 

And she actually liked it.

She liked it a lot! 

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