Sunday, November 27, 2022

Up or Down?

 There was a lot opening up in her... and sometimes

she felt like she just needed to step back

and allow it all to just do it's thing. 


It was working in it's own divine timing anyways,

just like everything in life was supposed to.

Just as this blog she was piecing together.

it was her story.

Her proof.

Her legacy.

For one day...

Most people looked at her like she was just a 

clueless little blonde.

And to her, that was okay. 

She wasn't here to work hard at proving who she was or wasn't.

She was here living this life at every angle possible

to discover all the truths and secrets she came here

to learn and reveal. 

One thing she learned was that a person

definitely needed to be brave enough to remain open

in order to find the golden nuggets of this planet.

Most people just took what other people or religion put on them

and they were satisfied with that. 

But not her. 

She wanted to seek out all that never made sense.

The very stuff that people held tightly on to yet

never really dug deep into their own truths. 

She wasn't up for the game of self deception. 

She wanted to find her truth at all cost!

But only with God at her side. 

And here she was today...

Rising upon that success slowly yet surely.

But before success could be fully achieved, she still had 

a little more learning and exploring to do. 

She found out that there was a way to compare charts.

Natal charts. 

Yes, to those who wonder... 

She was indeed, learning the art of reading natal charts and 

the energies that were available to the people in 

order to heal and level up in their soul's journey.

This was all a part of her purpose.

Her fun.

But for now, she wanted to speak of her new found interest.

Reading those lovely synastry and composite charts.

In simple English, these are basic natal charts that get 

overlapped on top of another persons chart to see the connection 

of the two energies and planets in a relationship. 

It could show signs of past life connections to a person.

It could show whether a person was

 a lover, an enemy, a friend, or an acquaintance in a past life .

 It could also show the karma between the two people.

Their karma that needed to be worked out in this life.

 Karma was of course Pluto territory, 

making those relationships

Not Platonic..

Pluto was the planet that gave us the choice to go from

either positive energy or negative energy. 

From either Love or Fear.

Pluto was our power distributor!

She liked to joke in her head that Pluto was almost 

like St. Peter at the pearly gates opening a door

for a person based on their decision... 


If someone chose to go from a place of fear 

when making decisions, Pluto, 

opened up the gates of Hell and allowed Hades, the Lord of the Underworld, 

 to handle the transaction!

However, if a person went from a place of love, 

Love for self and love and peace for others, then Pluto would

Open the gate to heaven and allow God to help

in that deed. 

However, 99.9% of the time, sin won the battles of this earth.

Man and woman always chose from a place of fear.

Yet, what she found pretty interesting is how the men and women

on Earth fooled themselves into thinking and believing that 

positive results would come from negative decisions! 

Even when sicknesses arose, and doctors couldn't 

figure them out... The people never could quite 

put it all together... and they all fell into victimhood

which lead them into the hands of sorcery...

But she couldn't settle for that. 

Not one bit. 

She was not about to give in or die,

 knowing that there was more truths 

to be found. 

And that is why she went on this journey...

For the longest time!

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