Tuesday, October 11, 2022

A lone is not a feeling... it's a way of being

 She had survived the full moon in Aries rather well. 

No cuts, no bruises, no colds! 

She was really proud of herself for once! 

Somehow, she was finally on a road to healing, 

instead of towards her demise. 

Ever since she made a vow to love herself and allow her relationship 

with God to grow, she realized she was more on track then ever before.

She still didn't know where this track would lead her,

but it was definitely getting a lot easier then the way things were headed before. 

There was no doubt though that the grip of loneliness

did not try to sway her. 

However, she had been familiar with his moves from 

previous times before and so this time was no 

shock to her when he showed. 

She took a deep breath in and let it out slowly.. 

Then she introduced God to her loneliness. 

They exchanged salutations and then 

almost instantly, he vanished straight away!

She felt a heaviness lift and she thanked God for bringing 

a smile back in her heart and a warm secure hug 

to her soul! 

In the days following the full Moon, she began her studies 

on the next big event coming up. 

She really did enjoy studying herself and all the parts 

that came with her being. 

She was learning about each planet and how they 

impacted her life. 

Also she was learning how to read her birth chart 

and how to understand where she needed a little 

help from her universal team!

She realized that she was never alone!

With God, Nine planets, 5 asteroids, 3 moons, and 12 zodiac signs...

Plus the archangels, and mother nature, and countless others!

She realized that she was never alone!

No wonder once she turned back to her relationship 

with God,

 Loneliness found that he had no chance to be 

a companion to her any more.

As she began to get acquainted with her newly situated 

life, she began learning some new things that really took 

her down a new way of being. 

She started to learn all about her femininity. 

What it was and how she was supposed to introduce herself

into this new energy that she never knew existed inside her.

As she made friends with her femininity, she learned 

real fast that her past trauma had no more 

room left inside her, since the awakening of the feminine 

was requiring all the space in her in order to function properly.

So trauma had some cleaning and packing up to do,

 for it was time for it to clear out. 

She welcomed this process, and even though it had brought 

up a lot of pain, tears, and sadness with it, once she 

accepted it all with open arms, it bid it's farewells and left her freely.  

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