Friday, October 7, 2022

Shifting Gears

 The door to the external world was swerving fast upon her... 

She wasn't ready to shift gears yet!

But time was running out!

She wanted to just zone out for awhile.

To escape.

To just become a couch potato. 

But God and her higher self were having none of that! 

She was in the midst of letting go of one really huge lesson,

and transforming it into a totally new mindset and way of being.

And that required her participation.

So today, she set a new intention for herself.

She was going to learn and put in motion her next move.  

But what was her next move? 

The Pisces Full Moon told her to just chill for a while and heal. 


Cause if she didn't, which of course, she didn't...

The planets in connection to God's will and her higher purpose,

would do it for her. 

Okay, well... not quite that much... 

But still, she had some pains.

And they definitely made her slow down.

Way down... 

So that she could process all that had just occurred.

As she slide back in her favorite chair, 

she allowed her mind to go back over what nightmare 

she had just recently lived through. 

However... as soon as she heard herself say the word,


it completely halted her and then dawned upon her...

That this was not the first time she used the word 

nightmare to describe a situation that she seemed to 

keep living through!

This nightmare always consisted of a guy.

A guy she liked to call her man, 

but the truth was... 

They were never really her 'man'. 

They were men who used her because she wasn't aware.

She was a broken conscious woman.

She was a silly woman. 

She had... duh duh dum!!! 

Daddy issues! 

And because of this broken-ness... 

She never saw the truth..

The truth that she was a Queen... 

And these guys were all clowns!

She had been dating bozo!

She wasn't perfect, she knew that much. 

But why couldn't she work on perfecting herself?

And so she decided today... in the here and now, that this time...

She was going to do it differently. 

Instead of reliving the old karmic story in her blogs...

She decided to change her perspective and shift gears!

She was no longer going to be writing about the aftermath

 of a fallen tower moment..

Instead, she decided to reveal to other women,

what she had begun to learn for herself so that she 

could finally wake up from this repeating karmic nightmare 

and share it with other women who struggled to wake up as well. 

This cat was about to let her tricks out of the bag! 

~Stay tuned! ~

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