Wednesday, November 30, 2022

As the Legend Goes, There she Rises...

As much as she wanted to keep this story going... 

There really wasn't much left for her to write. 

She was going through a lot of changes and transformations.

And part of that change was letting go of those things 

that no longer served her highest purpose. 

She did enjoy writing, but this story had come to it's end.

It was time to close this chapter in her life and 

Begin Again.

So... she decided... 

in the here and now, to just let it go. 

All of it. 

And from it, she took with her the wisdom only. 

The End. 

Thank you everyone for being a part of this time in my life. 

I appreciate all that you guys have taught me. 

God Bless Everyone!

And thank you all for reading my story. 

XoXo <3

~Spiritual Ava

Sunday, November 27, 2022

A New Season Finale...

She was learning a lot of New ways of being; 

Being more feminine,

Being More Quiet,

Being more Virtuous,

Being more Authentic...

 and the Lord was constantly testing her 

in everything that she was working on. 

Little did she know... 

some of the new material she was working on, 

required some extensive time to master. 

Unfortunately for her, time was something she always wanted to rush...

and Patience,  was always something that needed new batteries 

when it came to things in her life.

As she sat in her room,

 she looked over her life and how her relationships to people

worked or didn't... 

She began to realize that she had a lot of stuff 

buried deep inside her that really needed to be acknowledged. 

She realized that a lot of fears were buried so deep into her core

that they were taking over every move she made in her life that 

wanted to be good. 

She was self sabotaging everything. 

She was isolating herself all the time. 

She kept taking herself into a deep dark abyss 

and allowing herself to drown in it. 

But right before she took her last breathe she would 

get up and run... 

Breathing life back into her lungs quickly, trying to resuscitate the rest

of herself before it was too late. 

However, this game was getting really old now. 

She was getting too tired to keep playing it. 

She need to grieve and just forgive herself for all the torture

she kept putting herself through

 all because when she was young, 

she didn't know better. 

All this bitterness she was holding onto was destroying

everything good that ever came her way. 

It was time to let it all go... 

The fear of Love... 

The fear of Feelings

The fear of Fear...


The fear of Failure.

It was time to accept that no one knew better for her life.

Only her and God knew what she was here to do

and how she should do it. 

It was time to stop hoping that her family would approve

 of her and her choices.

It was time to let go of the idea that the only worth she had 

was in what the world saw of her. 

It was time to just work on the skills that came from her heart. 

To put them into practice with patience and the help 

of the Holy Spirit..

It was time to give herself time and space to be true and 

authentic to herself and with others. 

It was time to really practice and master the art of 

communication in all areas of her life, especially with herself. 

It was time to Not Give up So Easily.

It was time to allow herself to get vulnerable and really trust herself again.

And that is what she set out to do... 

This was the new seed she planted for the next season

of her life. 



Up or Down?

 There was a lot opening up in her... and sometimes

she felt like she just needed to step back

and allow it all to just do it's thing. 


It was working in it's own divine timing anyways,

just like everything in life was supposed to.

Just as this blog she was piecing together.

it was her story.

Her proof.

Her legacy.

For one day...

Most people looked at her like she was just a 

clueless little blonde.

And to her, that was okay. 

She wasn't here to work hard at proving who she was or wasn't.

She was here living this life at every angle possible

to discover all the truths and secrets she came here

to learn and reveal. 

One thing she learned was that a person

definitely needed to be brave enough to remain open

in order to find the golden nuggets of this planet.

Most people just took what other people or religion put on them

and they were satisfied with that. 

But not her. 

She wanted to seek out all that never made sense.

The very stuff that people held tightly on to yet

never really dug deep into their own truths. 

She wasn't up for the game of self deception. 

She wanted to find her truth at all cost!

But only with God at her side. 

And here she was today...

Rising upon that success slowly yet surely.

But before success could be fully achieved, she still had 

a little more learning and exploring to do. 

She found out that there was a way to compare charts.

Natal charts. 

Yes, to those who wonder... 

She was indeed, learning the art of reading natal charts and 

the energies that were available to the people in 

order to heal and level up in their soul's journey.

This was all a part of her purpose.

Her fun.

But for now, she wanted to speak of her new found interest.

Reading those lovely synastry and composite charts.

In simple English, these are basic natal charts that get 

overlapped on top of another persons chart to see the connection 

of the two energies and planets in a relationship. 

It could show signs of past life connections to a person.

It could show whether a person was

 a lover, an enemy, a friend, or an acquaintance in a past life .

 It could also show the karma between the two people.

Their karma that needed to be worked out in this life.

 Karma was of course Pluto territory, 

making those relationships

Not Platonic..

Pluto was the planet that gave us the choice to go from

either positive energy or negative energy. 

From either Love or Fear.

Pluto was our power distributor!

She liked to joke in her head that Pluto was almost 

like St. Peter at the pearly gates opening a door

for a person based on their decision... 


If someone chose to go from a place of fear 

when making decisions, Pluto, 

opened up the gates of Hell and allowed Hades, the Lord of the Underworld, 

 to handle the transaction!

However, if a person went from a place of love, 

Love for self and love and peace for others, then Pluto would

Open the gate to heaven and allow God to help

in that deed. 

However, 99.9% of the time, sin won the battles of this earth.

Man and woman always chose from a place of fear.

Yet, what she found pretty interesting is how the men and women

on Earth fooled themselves into thinking and believing that 

positive results would come from negative decisions! 

Even when sicknesses arose, and doctors couldn't 

figure them out... The people never could quite 

put it all together... and they all fell into victimhood

which lead them into the hands of sorcery...

But she couldn't settle for that. 

Not one bit. 

She was not about to give in or die,

 knowing that there was more truths 

to be found. 

And that is why she went on this journey...

For the longest time!

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Clean it Up Already!

 She had let her brew simmer for quite some time now.

Almost to the point that it was boiling over. 

But honestly, 

there wasn't even enough water left in her brew to start a boil. 

She was pretty much allowing everything to just simmer away.

Her brew had become a sticky mess of nothingness. 

It was time for her to either turn off the stove and clean the pot


She could add more water to it and start all over again.

Decisions... Decisions....

But then she decided...

And her decision was probably not one she wanted, 

but she did it anyways.


there was no water anywhere. 

The well had run dry a long time ago...

And so she picked up her pot and began scrubbing away at it.

There was a lot of scum burned to the bottom of it.

But she didn't give up.

She scrubbed hard at it.

And as she rinsed it clear, she realized with no shock 

on her face that she had scratched up the entire pot 

by scrubbing so hard.

And such was her life. 

It was the very day of the Sagittarius New moon...

And she had been so emotional all that very day. 

"DRAiN" said a soft little voice...

She looked at the little girl with the crystal blue eyes.

"Drain what?" she asked in confusion.

The little girl just stared at her and then went on to 

pinch her hard 

until she let out a shriek of "Ouch!"

And the little blue eyed angel just giggled back at her.

She instinctively knew that this little girl was 

trying hard to show her that she needed to drain her emotions.

Her feelings.

She had been holding them in for quite some time now.

And it was time..

She needed to DRAiN!! 

But how? 

That was always the biggest and most complex question 

for her....

But where was she to find the answer to it?

And what if she never found it?

She didn't like that thought at all. 

She did want to drain. 

But maybe for all the wrong reasons. 

And maybe that is why draining didn't just happen 

for her naturally...

Maybe she had a false belief...

Maybe she thought there was something wrong with releasing

emotions from loss, especially when she had been hurt... 

And that's when it hit her!

All her life, she had been placing herself in relationships

where she was getting hurt. 

She would build up a scenario where she would have to 

blow it up.

End it!

Escape from it!

911 help! Help! 

And they would come running!

And she would be saved!

But was she? 

If in the end she felt sad... 

How could she have won? 

And this was the false belief!
It ran deep..

Very deep!

Like the grooves in the pot she had scrubbed!

But why was she doing it? 

What fear was running this false belief? 

It almost seemed like there were a few, not just one. 

However, one of the biggest ones was that if she had feelings

that it must have meant that she was wrong. 

But she wasn't. 

And even if the feelings were there, it only made her human.

She could still say, the situation was not right, yet still own her 

feelings from it. 

As a human, she was able to feel for others even when they did her harm.

This was unconditional love. 

And it felt good to have it. 

'Feelings' actually felt good when they flowed. 

Even if they were feelings of sadness, pain, shame, or  hurt.

Because once they flowed, they brought a gift of 

release in the end.

And release always flowed into the river of love.

And love was power. 

Power to rebuild from scratch! 

To begin again.

To try something differently!

And that gave hope!

And Hope was Eternal! 

Sunday, November 20, 2022

Unwrap the gift of Life...

 Things were really starting to open up to her. 

She must have been getting closer...

Closer to what? 

She really wasn't sure of that yet...

And she wasn't going to worry about the details today.

Instead today, she allowed herself to flow with her thoughts.

She began to realize that everything 

her soul was attracted to, had a small piece of her life mission

for her. 

To figure out who she was in past lives, and what she had held onto

and brought into this life, 

that perhaps needed release, or healing.

It was all connected to the music she was drawn to.

The movies that she got excited and addicted to..

They were all clues as to the very things that may have been

trapped inside her soul that need to be felt, experienced, seen,

 and  transmuted here in the human existence. 

She was learning that each person came here with their own 

karmic stories. 

And they all joined into families to help solve their own 


The one issue she kept running into in her own life journey

was songs about being blamed. 

Taking the fall.

Not getting anywhere in life.

Not being responsible.

Not standing in her truth of how she felt.

The truth sometimes that it wasn't even her fault. 

Yet she took the blame and just disappeared with it.

The other songs she got attracted to and touched by

were songs of having love on earth. 

Or not knowing what love was and wanting to have it.'

Or just living a life without it and then regretting the 


Or even having it, then letting it go and wanting it back 

but not being able to because of pride, fears, or miles apart. 

Her movies too... 

Also consisted of divine interventions...

Or wars...

Wars of vengeance. Wars of truths. 

Wars of light versus dark.

She loved movies that had real deep battles. 

Ones that on the surface seemed simple but when truly 

looked at deeply enough, you could see the real truth.

She was indeed here on a philosophical journey.

so it all definitely added up. 

But for now... She was collecting.

Accepting all that was opening up to her.

And she saw behind it all. 

But for the time being...

She was just going to let it all simmer. 

Ain't that a Shame...

 When she came home from her hike, 

She opened her phone and began to type in RC Blakes into youtube. 

RC Blakes was a pastor from New Orleans who preached a great deal about

Kings and Queens in the eyes of God. 

And how Kingdoms were constructed with the natural 

laws that God had ordained in all his Creation.

Today, the topic that popped up for her was one that she 

really needed to hear!!

 But she knew deep inside, that every time she really needed 

guidance, the right messages always found a way to reach her. 

She just had to ask and then be open to receive. 

Today's message spoke quite loud to her. 

It mentioned that a Queen never went back to or 

even gave time to a boy who shamed her.


Because a real man that loved and respected his woman

would never talk down, belittle, or disrespect his Queen 

like that. 

And when she heard RC Blakes speak those words, 

she knew immediately that her guardian angels were

sending her the message! 

And she was done questioning truths. 

She saw the truth right in front of her own eyes and this time

she took it and believed it with her whole heart. 

And she asked God to help her Purge from her heart and soul

the dishonor that she had done to herself and to forgive her 

for all that she had allowed to be done to her.

Then she asked God to take her off the hook through forgiveness..

And with that... 

She was free. 

Once and for all. 

The End... 

Friday, November 18, 2022

The Story of the past Lives...

 They came from the same doorway...

With very similar lessons to work on. 

No matter how much she wanted to use her power 

to push him away out of fears, The more she realized that 

it was all a circle... 

It reminded her of that song, Circle in the sand

 by Belinda Carlisle...

The part that went something like...

Oh baby, anywhere you goWe are bound togetherI begin, baby, where you endSome things are forever
Circle in the sandRound and roundNever ending love is what we've foundAnd you complete the heart of meOur love is all we needCircle in the sand

She knew she was a hopeless romantic and 

that it got her in trouble more times then she liked to admit.

Who was she kidding...

Her illusion delusions always sucked her into an endless vortex

known as the abyss of false thinking...

But this time... she was really trying to figure things out 

from another perspective.

She knew she wasn't going to jump. 

But she was definitely enjoying the puzzle. 

The piece she had recently acquired was indeed 

something of new found interest.

She was new to chart reading, but it definitely sparked her interest.

And as she looked over their charts, she saw that they were indeed

of a similar walk in life.

She wondered if they choose this walk together. 

To perhaps help each other out and up?

It didn't matter much to her how that was going to happen..

Since it had pretty much already happened since the day they met. 

It was one domino crash after another with them, but yet, 

in the end, they each picked up a new piece and kept going.

So it wasn't as bad as it seemed on the planet, cuz in the 

collective sense, they were actually really helping each other 

get better and grow in the knowledge that they both came here for.

And for that she was truly grateful.

She really hadn't figured it all out just yet... 

But she was getting closer.

She knew that much.

She wondered if he knew the things she knew though? 

Or  maybe she was opening it up in him slowly and that's why 

they chose to come together in this lifetime.... 

And then maybe she was just dreaming again.

It was well known that

A Pisces loved the well thought out fantasy story..

Especially when she was the narrator of it

As the Legend Goes, There she Rises...

As much as she wanted to keep this story going...  There really wasn't much left for her to write.  She was going through a lot of chang...