Monday, September 19, 2022

Hidden Sacral Action

 Behind every mask is the true authentic self. 

~The soul.~

Her life wasn't all that she envisioned. 

At least not yet. 

But she could totally see and feel herself already there. 

Today, she was learning a new concept about herself and the deeper aspects 

that governed them. 

These Aspects were the agents that would help guide her on her journey

to where she wanted to go in this life. 

   ( But first off, In order for you to understand where she is aiming to go, 

you must first understand where she comes from. and thus, 

Please do allow me to narrate for you how she found herself at the beginning of this story in the first place.)

She grew up in a house of five;

 a mother, a father, a brother, a sister, and of course, herself..

And Like all families, the father worked.

Long and hard all the days on. 

And the mother was furious with housework and children,

all the while having to also work to make ends meet. 

The physical, mental, emotional and spiritual abuse 

ran amuck in every house, every location, and every family member

that tried so hard to live the American dream. 

Being promised success and riches at the end of a hard days work was 

always the goal, yet even when it was reached, it seemed an utter disappointment.

The only thing that kept it going for years and years,

was the negative energy of the chase, the fight, and the idea that 

one day happiness was going to be had.

That day however never came. 

Father died. 

Mother was disabled.

and the children all parted ways.

Each lived far far away from the other, 

and each time they communicated was only through false visions.

A mask!

In the here and now, 

She sat in her favorite chair, and she continued to type her story. 

She began to search for the tape that held her own mask on so tightly. 

And when she found one, she began to peel away at it.

Today she had learned about Mars. 

Mars, that fiery red planet.

The one that everyone wanted to try to make a home on. 

She laughed inside at that vision.

Everyone trying to escape to a planet of nothing but

burning fires, desires, and passions!

She laughed because she knew that people didn't have to escape

life on Earth in order to live a life

 with Mars' promised brilliance and excitement. 

She realized a while back, 

That Mars existed inside each and every single person. 

Mars was an energy. 

The energy that gives people the ability to choose their actions.

Be they from

 a place of passion and desire

 or rather

 a place of anger and destruction... 

 Mars was the author of both. 

As she sat typing, she realized that she was indeed using her time with Mars 

in a positive, passionate way in her now moment... 

She was following her desire to write and be creative.

It brought her joy and happiness to express herself. 

And she saw that this was all possible because she listened to her

true hearts desire.

On the contrary... 

Mars also had it's time and place though for actions that required

emergency, protection, and strength. 

She realized that a life with Mars meant that  even though the flames of desire 

were necessary in order to live a happy life...

 the mere fact remained  

that the flames of desire were still in fact burning hot flames!

And yes, sometimes, these flames will burn and destroy 

everything in it's path if they are let burn out of control.

Her previous relationship had been completely set ablaze 

during the Full Moon In Pisces... and she knew her Mars had

everything to do with it.... 

But she wasn't blaming anyone. 

There was always a reason for every season of life. 

And this was all apart of her journey... 


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