Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Hide! It's an Emotion!

 She was really drawn to this song by Maximillian called 

Beautiful Scars.

There was a part of the chorus that really struck her hard.

It went something like this;

oh, but what is lost ain't gone

No, you can't just let go, cause it's a part of you that

will make you strong. Embrace your Flaws.

I'm not gonna fight back what I've become

yeah I got bruises where I came from

But I wouldn't change if I could restart

I ain't gonna hide these beautiful scars.

And that really grabbed her because she was studying 

astrology and the spiritual aspects of herself 

and how they were connected and here to help her evolve.

And she knew that Chiron, the wounded healer...

Was all up in this song!

Chiron was indeed the very theme of this song. 

So as she sat there and listened to this song over and over, 

it really triggered a lot of emotions in her. 

Her Chiron wound. 

She found herself getting all teary eyed and sometimes 

even bawling her eyes out because of all the pain 

it touched in her and brought to the surface.

When she finally settled into the feeling, 

she asked herself... 

"What is here, before me, that I finally let come up?"

And she saw it before her...

Like a movie.

She saw herself as a young child... 

Standing before people who mattered to her. 

Trying to express herself, only to be 

Shut down, 

Turned away,


Told that she was being silly.

Then ignored.

And as a child, she looked to those before her, in front of her,

as supreme...  and took their words to heart.

With each rejection and dismissal

she was presented with,

she chose to take all that she was proud of.

All that she came to this earth with...

And she tucked them back in her little overall pockets

where they would stay safe with her, because it was her... 

but it wasn't right in the eyes of those who brought her up in this world. 

Those who taught her and took care of her. 

They didn't want to see it. 

Hear it,

even acknowledge it. 

And so she created an alter ego...

And began to do things as they expected and wanted. 

Hoping to get more acceptance and worth by doing it their way. 

But it didn't seem to go that way.

It didn't work...

Not then..

Not now.

Not ever!

And today as she listens to the lyrics of this song,

 it brings her back to the very fact that she never had to hide herself.

It's just that at that moment in time, 

she was just too young to know and understand this truth.

And so she reached back in her overall pocket...

And she pulled out her truth...

Once and for all.

And as she opened her gift, 

she was able to see what Chiron wanted her to learn

 and open up in her. 

Her Wounds as her Strengths.

And what that meant for her...



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