Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Lies that don't hide are unbelievable truths...


Words were her thing. 

She loved to compile words of all sorts 

and just wanted to make a flowing river of 

every word that ever came out of her.

Life was a poem yearning to be written. 

By her!

By writers!

By Artists!

By Poets!

The world was a stage and the words painted 

the story each character played here on Earth. 

All was beautiful in her eyes...

Even the villains.

They had their roles too. 

However, she really did not like the dark words that came out 

of such characters. 

Words that were meant to degrade. 



Those kinds of words did not match her vibration,. 

She realized that the more she saw and read those kinds 

of low vibration words, the more she wanted to 

completely turn away from those type of characters.

Even the one character whom she wanted to believe 

was meant to be the hero in her story. 

Yet, she realized that if he really was meant to be in her story, 

he would be in it because their vibration would match.

Like a

And the very fact that he kept his vibration so low with 

disrespectful thinking, words, and slanders...

It told her it was all just a dream that lived only in her imagination. 

A wolf in sheep's clothing is definitely what she saw. 

But then she realized.. He wasn't even in sheep's clothing. 

He was in clear view. 

No lies. 

Just Plain truth. 

He was a Wolf. 

It was no secret. 

And she wasn't blind. She had eyes. 

She saw him exactly as he was in the here and now 

and she acknowledged it. 

She didn't like it, but she acknowledged it, finally.

And so she went back to her own story. 

The one with fairies 

and unicorns 

and a cat...

A little black cat with a magical hat... 

And she continued to write happy endings,

 because that is what she wanted always.

A Happily Ever After. 

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