Wednesday, November 16, 2022

To know Nothing is to know everything..

Starting over again...  
again and again... 
She was always back there...

Only this time, she was ready to begin differently.
This time, she knew who she was. 
She knew her value.
She knew her price. 
And the most important thing, 
was she knew what Love was. 
And what Love was not.

The light and dark were very clear to her.
She knew both.
Pain and joy.
Struggle and Flow.
Fear and Love.
Heaven and Hell.
She finally knew them all.

And with all this knowing, 
She was now ready to face 
the unknown!

But what was the Unknown? 
It was Her. 
Who she truly was.
That one truth that she had kept hidden from all the world.
That one part of her that everyone was always after. 
That one part of her that they all wanted to know and experience, 
yet didn't have the correct key to unlock.
That unknown part of her that had at long last come to bloom... 
And she was finally ready to let it intertwine with
the laws of attraction
 so that they could carry her forth on her journey
 once again.


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