Friday, November 18, 2022

The BroKeN Chase...

 Today was an interesting day for her.. 

The energies were pretty intense all day and as much as 

she didn't want to admit it, they did kind of stir her

quite a bit. 

But little did she know, there was a diamond in the rough

waiting to be had as long as she followed her heart! 


It all began earlier that day as she was  on her way to visit

her mother. She came upon a red light and  

at the light, on the corner, was a guy with a sign in his hand.

She looked over at her purse and remembered that she didn't

have any cash on hand. Only cards. 

She looked in her car for any loose change but 

there was none lying around as per usual. 

She sighed.... 

then looked up at the guy and gave him that

 defeated shoulder shrug...

He waved a friendly hi to her and then smiled. 

Shocked at his kindness, she waved back and gave him a smile.

He then took his hand and pointed upward to the sky and Nodded.

She burst into tears!

She didn't know why. She just did...

It was almost like something inside her burst open the flood gates

 and the tears just began streaming down her face. 

The light turned Green and she took her turn... 

Then right in front of her, a gathering of crows 

flew in a circle and then to the left.

 She smiled and somehow knew, 

that everything was going to be 

all Right. 

She loved how life always had something new to show her.

Like later that evening, on her way back home. 

She drove over a bridge and not even a minute later, 

a car comes flying by her! 

It went by so fast that her car shook with the passing wind.

Then a few seconds later, a cop car comes flying past her. 

And then another... and another!

This was really getting exciting for her!

She watched the speeding car swerve around all the other cars in front of it... 

and the cops chasing him the same way.. 

She let her mind try to explore what was happening..

Did he do something bad? or was he just being stupid and trying to 

get away from a speeding ticket? 

Was it a hit and run?

Or maybe a drug deal gone wrong?

Then just as she pulls up to a red light, 

The same car comes rushing back in the other lane to her left! 

She sees the cops still chasing him! 

She wondered.. "How in the hell have they not caught him yet? 


But then she went on to wonder, how did he even make a U-turn 

so quickly without crashing or getting caught? 

"He must have been a professional", she thought to herself.

Then the light turned green

and the fun was over. 

But she got the message loud and clear...

And she thanked God for the Wisdom! 

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