Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Unchained Potential

After taking the bite from the poisoned apple...

The Princess dropped to the ground...
And fell into a deep sleep... 

She went into the underworld while in this deep sleep. 
It was nothing but a nightmare to say the least.

But what she didn't realize, is that there was no need 
for a Prince to come rescue her with a kiss. 
Of course this is what she had been told 
by the very witch that gave her the poisoned apple.

But it couldn't be more farther from the truth then 
it really truly revealed itself to be.

44 years later, she finally stopped long enough to see 
the truth.
The truth that all she had to do to wake up, 
was turn back to God. 
Her one true creator. 
And realize that he made her of ultimate value. 

And the only reason the wicked witch 
ever came to her with the poisoned fruit
was in deed because she had unresolved 
pain, shame, and bitterness from her own self destruction
that she didn't realize was up to her own relationship
with God and her self to heal.

The truth of this fairy tale that lives
 on and on 
life time after life time
generation after generation 
is the very fact that it was a curse. 
There was a group of men who wanted to take over God's place.
They wanted the world to see them as God
so that they could control the world to their benefit. 
And so the Perverted Toxic Male Society was created.

The ego works in this same way. 
And she realized that she had imprisoned herself 
with her own Perverted Toxic Masculine mindset
that drove her to rule over her own feminine reality!

In order to make earthly sense of this revelation 
that she had just revealed in herself, 
she was going to have to tell her story. 
Her testimony...

She had allowed herself to believe the lie
 that a woman's only value was in her Body;
 Lips, hips, and tips,
 as well as;
 in the sexual advantage she had over men 
who didn't even deserve her, 
 by holding onto 'the cookie'!

Unfortunately, that was actually a very shallow and carnal way 
of living and she knew it never excited her. 
That's why she made a game of it. 
But what she didn't realize was, this is exactly 
what they wanted. 
And by biting the apple, it took her down..
Into a deep sleep where she entered into  
the underworld. 
And that's where she 
hit rock bottom. 

At Rock bottom, she met her reflection..
The devil!

And when she took a turn dancing with the devil,
it was only then that she realized that she had turned from God.

Not realizing that by misunderstanding God's word 
and applying his words to her life in only a masculine mindset way,
was indeed the road away from God. 
Putting God on the cross was the poisoned fruit. 
The curse. 
The sin. 
And so in life, by putting God outside of herself, 
Only brought her closer to the devil, 
One step 
one day
one minute 
at a time. 

She realized she had put God into an image. 
A book called the bible. 
Even Positive and Negative Energy. 
So if something appeared wrong, she would judge and say
that's the devil, or that's evil.
But then when that same wrong came back around and it worked for others,
then she would be confused as to what was good and what was God.. 
And this is why she took the bite of the poisoned apple.
The confusion and wanting to know but also not to know too much. 
Was the key to the Toxic Perverted Masculine Culture.

So when she was in the underworld, 
dancing with the devil, 
she learned that God was the creator of both and all.
For her to be dancing with the devil 
meant that she was also of the devil but also of God. 
And the choice was up to her to decide
if she wanted to stay asleep and twirling downward...
But of course, couldn't go down any further then she already was, 
since she was dancing with the devil...
Or she could wake up to the fact that God was in her. 
In the very cells that made her.
And that who she was mattered. 
And she had a role. 
She had more value then she allowed herself to believe. 
It only took returning to the light,
 to God,
 and to begin to research with an open mind and heart the truth 
of who she truly was in God her creator.

And this was the true awakening of the deep sleep she had fallen under.
Because the true awakening of a Queen never came from the Kiss of Death! 


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